Saturday, November 3, 2018

Blog Corrections

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

This blog was set up to receive any points that may need correcting in any of my blogs.

No-one is free from making mistakes and I appreciate any feedback and specific examples from my blogs that may need correcting.

Please be brief and to the point: my time and yours is precious.

Don't expect replies to every comment. I will note the errors and correct them when I am able to do so إن شاء الله

Salaam and duaa is returned orally if I have not been able to respond in writing.

No asking for fataawa.

No insults or praise.

No unnecessary extra speech.

State the blog you are talking about and send a link for the specific page so I can see what you are correcting. 
Write what you consider is the mistake and what you think the correction should be.
All possible mistakes will be checked and corrected if necessary. 

بارك الله فيكم

The following are the blogs that I have designed to share whatever I have to pass on. Allaah make it of benefit to myself, my family and all the Muslims.

Allaah make me sincere, firm upon the Sunnah and forgive me my mistakes and sins. 

1.       Qur'aan Teacher Resources

2.        Allaah's Beautiful Names

3.       Stories of the Prophets

4.        Dhikr Charts

5.       Learn the Vocabulary of the Qur'aan

6.       Learn about Hajj and 'Umrah

7.       Salafi Translated Benefits

8.       Arabic Grammar for Qur'aan

9.       Herbal Remedies in Islaam

10.   Recycling in Riyadh

11.   Daily Qur’aan Reading Schedule

12.   Aqeedah Lessons

13.   Study Juz Amma

14.   Learn Suratul Baqarah

Telegram Channels (you will need to download the Telegram app first and then join the channel - it is similar to Whatsapp):

My new additions or updates will all be posted in the following channel:

Teacher: Umm AbdirRahmaan Tara Hashim

Qualified Qur'aan and Arabic Teacher, translator, Salafi.
Resident in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.


***Please send the corrections by commenting on the tab at the top of the page called 'corrections'.

Or you can click here